Here is the most important thing businesses miss about online lead generation or selling anything online: Building Funnels.
It is more psychological than you imagine. Both building funnels and having a funnel mindset.
With every passing day, new technologies come by, be it AI, social media, search engine, chatbots, email marketing or even good old newspaper ads. The fundamentals have never changed.
The only difference is, technology has made the funnel building process scalable and measurable.
But the way a lot of businesses have been using marketing technology for lead generation or selling online is not giving them enough results they deserve.
And here’s why!
Think of the last time you clicked on a sales ad or watched a complete sales video because someone pushed it in front of you with paid ads. Don’t get me wrong. Paid Ads are awesome! And so are other digital marketing strategies. I bet 90% of us scroll away when someone starts selling right off the bat. It just doesn’t work.
But do you remember clicking and reading posts or videos that gave you value? Something that helped or entertained you, without asking for anything in return.
And then you start clicking the next one & then next until you reach a sales pitch for which, unknowingly, you give your attention, forgetting about what got you there in the first place.
This is building great funnels!
We use these psychological techniques in filmmaking & storytelling to make our audience feel what we want them to feel & take them inside the story. If done right, these techniques become invisible and the story takes them in.
Businesses that know how to build funnels with this approach are printing money, winning elections, making impact & others are wondering if digital channels are ever going to work for them.
The good news is, funnels work for everyone!
It all comes down to the value you are giving at your first touch point & then the second and then the third and so on until they are ready to commit to you.
In the online world, we cannot replace the most important element of trust building that we humans are so hard-wired for, “physical presence”. But we can get funnels to do the work of trust building for us.
And the way to do this is to get your prospective customers (I like the word ‘audience’) to give you micro-commitments: One click, one video view, one scroll or one download at a time.
First, we want them to commit their attention to you, then their engagement and then their actions. And to do this through a funnel, you need to deliver value first and ask after.
The more you think in terms of the funnel, the better you will start understanding it’s power.
If you want to learn how to build high converting funnels, read “DotCom Secrets” by Russell Brunson.
This is what a good funnel brings you,
- Predictable Lead Flow
- High Sales Conversion Rate
- Shorter Sales Cycle Time
- Low Cost Of Acquisition
- Measurable Results
- A Measurable, Scalable & Repeatable System
If you want our team of funnel builders & funnel hackers to do the heavy lifting for you, message me or leave an email at [email protected].